Marching towards a Random Thought

Seriously, how cute are these two? How can I possible NOT love these two more than I already do? Since this is called Random Thoughts, my next one is simply this: I hate politics. The hypocrisy is gut-wrenching, the incivility is astonishing, and the policies are mind numbingly absurd. I could go on a longer Read More…

Happy (Heart) New Year

Happy New Year!!! Okay, so today may be Jan 4th, but for me, today is my Happy New Year. That’s because today I celebrate being alive for another year. One year ago, to the hour as I write this, actually, I suffered a Widowmaker heart attack. An so began the scariest few hours of my Read More…

Happy Mothers Day

It’s May 12, 2019. Mothers Day.   Today, I get to celebrate 4 of the most wonderful women I’ve ever had the blessing of knowing.   First off (and in no specific order), is my own mother, Geraldine. One of the most beautiful, loving, Christian women I’ve ever known. Nurse of many a scrape and Read More…

Not just my journey

So, a few months ago, I had the unfortunate experience of having a heart attack. I’m 46 (45 at the time) and had a near fatal heart attack. Look up a Widow Maker heart attack. You’ll understand what I had. Since then, I’ve been in cardiac rehab classes at Deaconess Heart Hospital. They’ve been wonderful. Read More…

My wife is a super-hero

I seriously think my wife is a true super heroine. She’s got some amazing abilities that I certainly don’t have. Mutant, genetic experiment, exposed to radiation when she was younger, or alien princess? Who cares? She’s a super-heroine. Here’s why I think that.   My wife has mad organizational skills. Seems weird to think that’s Read More…

Welcome to the two year old stage…..

Well, it’s official. Yesterday marked the 2 year anniversary of Danielle and I getting to bring this little boy home and into our house. We never realized how much this guy would change our lives, but he’s been the best thing to happen to both of us since we got married.   In just the Read More…

Current random thoughts

Home life: Yeah, this guy. We celebrate his 2nd birthday in just a few days. My mind is boggling. How can it be two years already? People warned us that we shouldn’t blink and that we should take lots of pictures because they’ll go by so fast. I didn’t realize how fast until it actually Read More…

Today is a good day…..

No, I’d have to say, today was probably one of the best days I’ve had in some time. Yeah, I got to spend the majority of my day with this little stinker. So he got me up a little earlier than I’d wanted. No biggie. Momma got a chance to sleep in (a little, but Read More…


Just saw a picture of a hat that said No One is Illegal. Can I just say how incredibly absurd that statement is? This image is used, of course, in association with the current border issue. Full disclosure, I identify politically as a libertarian. I believe in the rule of law, and as such, we Read More…