Month: August 2011
How incredibly cool
Went for my final tux fitting last night. Had to get almost completely re-measured since I’ve lost 20 lbs since my initial fitting. I dropped from a coat size of a 44 Long to a 41 Long (hoorah!). I also dropped from a pant with a waist measurement of 38 to a 34 (hoorah again!). Read More…
Raining, on the hottest day of the week? Yeah, this is gonna be fun.
Getting closer
In just a week, I will be starting a new chapter in my life by marrying this wonderful woman. It’s been a long time coming, and it’s strange to think that the day is almost here. I’ve been trusting and waiting on God’s timing, and now He’s blessing me again. Life will change for Read More…
Selfish thoughts
This morning, as I was preparing to get a shower, I took a moment to put my contacts in (what I call “putting in my eyeballs”). I had a brief thought about how nice it would be to be able to get laser correction surgery or just have a new pair of eyes grown for Read More…
Progress in the works!!!!
10 more to go!!!
A good morning in the universe (or at least my universe) Started the day off with a few cups of steaming hot caf this morning. Always a good way to start. Certainly helps when that caf is accompanying a chapter of the Bible and a good devotional. My devotional may sound odd to some, but I read a chapter a day of the Bible Read More…
Hmmm…. So, in playing with my blog, I find that some of my plug ins don’t want to seem to work right. Now that’s annoying. Can’t get the .mp3 player add-in to work right. Time to troubleshoot.
Un-fair food
Listening to Sean Hannity while working today. He was listing all of the foods at a state fair being help this week. I was amazed at the number of foods that are served “on a stick”. Even worse, my stomach was churching with the number of deep-fried foods that are available. Losing weight by being Read More…
Oh yeah!!!!!
Checked my blood pressure this morning. 122/76, and that’s without 1 of 2 meds. Thanks Weight Watchers. Thanks, Dr. Stoltz!