So, reading in the news about world leaders gathering in Paris to talk about climate change. 150 world leaders, to be exact. now, let’s take into account it’s not just the leaders, but their entire entourage of sycophants and groupies (aka staff and advisers). So what, you may ask. Well, as others have pointed out, Read More…
Month: November 2015
Thankful for noise
Alright, I admit it. Generally I can’t stand large crowds. The dissonance of what seems like a million conversations all at once assaulting my ears is usually more than I care to deal with. Dealing with tinnitus doesn’t make it much easier. Bit there are times when being immersed in those millions of conversations is Read More…
Test post…
Testing testing 1, 2, 3
Okay, so this girl wants to pay 90% in taxes so that education can be “free”? Let’s break this down just a little. I get paid approximately $2000 every two weeks. If I got taxed at 90%, that’s $1800 out of each paycheck. That leave me with $200 for two weeks. ???????????????????????????????? Vehicle insurance, gas, Read More…
My, what a precious delicate little flower you are…not
When did we decide that our feelings are paramount to all other considerations? When did it become okay to think we have a right to NOT be offended? When did we start thinking that someone else’s Constitutional rights can be suppressed simply because they don’t agree with our way of thinking? Yes, I’m referring to Read More…
A random thought…
I was going to post a bunch of random thoughts from last week, but have decided that is kind of useless now. Most of the items I wanted to comment on are essentially out of date and not worth mentioning now. Do I have any random thoughts for this week? None so far. May be Read More…
Bittersweet day
Monday was a bit of a bittersweet evening. My mother passed away in 2009. As part of her will, her retirement check was to be distributed amongst us three children on a monthly basis over a span of time until everything was disbursed. This was typical mom, always wanting to help somehow, no matter how Read More…
So, I started a post the other day. I was pretty sure I added the draft to my online dashboard so I could work on it from another computer. And now I can’t find it. Which bites, as I really wanted to finish that post while watching TNT’s “The Librarians”.