So best I can tell, 2020 is still a garbage dumpster fire: coronavirus is still here; lockdowns 2.0 is annoying most Americans; politics bashing cross the aisle is more popular than a tennis match; conspiracy theories aplenty on C-19 still abound; hurricane’s aplenty; and both Rep. Lewis and Herman Cain passed away (supposedly from C-19 Read More…
Month: July 2020
Fun times
Whether it’s checking out some unexpected (and hungry, hungry) visitors…. Or pretending to be a sea turtle… Or playing hide and seek (and not doing so good of a job hiding)… Or helping around the house… of being our friendly neighborhood police officer… Summer is so much more fun with this little man.
Good times.
So glad Levi was able to safely get back to one of his favorite activities. Seeing him smile while back in the pool with Mrs. Amy was a relief. And even having been gone for a few months, he did super well.
I’m officially old
Ordered hearing aids today. Glasses, stints in my heart blood vessels, and now hearing aids. What else will I be replacing sometime soon?
Summertime fun
Not my best day
Started too early, no rest, a son who mostly didn’t want to listen tonight, and probably won’t end early enough. ☹️
It’s dark in here
Why am I singing Bear hunt/Lion Hunt/Dinosaur hunt at 6:45 am? Oh, that’s right. Because my son is obsessed with oddities like this at random times of the day.
How are you feeling?
Powerfully goo message:
Old, I am getting
Yup, pretty sure I’m getting old. I think I’ve reached that age where breakfast is no longer my most desired meal of the day. I used to look forward to fixing and devouring a good breakfast before work. Now? Ho-hums and duldrums at the thought of eating. Sad. I miss my morning friend. Thank goodness Read More…
Anyone remember Lawrence Welk?
After a day of fun indoor activity, it was nice to get out and ride our bikes, play with the sand table, and finish off with some bubble chasing. Joked with my dentist that the dental hygienist that cleaned my teeth tortured me by poking me in the mouth with sharp metal objects, shooting me Read More…