
So utterly tired today, and I had a good, decent night of sleep last night.  So what’s up with that?  I have 2 days to get the house ready for showing.  That means 2 days to get all my own personalizations off the walls, off the shelves, and out of sight.  Realtor gets the keys Read More…

God’s blessings

I had a nice revelation this evening when I got home.  God has really blessed me in the  past few days.  Now, this shouldn’t be much of a surprise, as I know my God blesses me daily, but since Saturday, I have been feeling especially blessed.  And I’m so thankful for it. First off, on Read More…

Talk about an addition to the weird

Read this article.  I copied the link from Fox news but first saw it on Yahoo’s News News of the Weird. Does he really believe this?  Isn’t that as valid as saying “Communism ended life on Mars.”  or “Socialism ended life on Mars.” or “Anarchy ended life on Mars.”? Definitely weird.

And in other news of the weird (and stupid)

Here’s a good one from the AP.  Seriously, you can’t make up this level of stupid…….. I’d report the actual text, but the nice little disclaimer at the bottom of the news article says I’m not allowed.  Oh well.  Anyway, follow the link, marvel in the stupidity.

Best Lawyer/Insurance Story Ever

This was sent to me via an uncle, not sure where he got it.  But you just gotta love this story……….. ***Begin copied txt*** > > > > > > ONLY IN AMERICA ….. > > > BEST LAWYER/INSURANCE STORY OF THE YEAR, > DECADE, AND POSSIBLY THE CENTURY. > > This took place in Read More…


Twice so far tonight, and I can’t figure out why, since everything else is running great…….

Nothing of importance

I hadn’t updated my blog in a while, and I honestly can’t think of a thing to say.  I just wanted to make some kind of posting to show that I am still alive and kicking. Oh, here’s a YouTube video that I love.  I think I’ve watched it about 10 times already.  [youtube=] Reverse Read More…

Our resources, not yours

Dear Michael Moore; shut up, you’re an idiot.  Money is NOT a national resource.  That paycheck with my name on it is MY resource, not yours.  If you truly believe your own statements, then I’ll be happy to accept the first check from you out of your pocket so I can deposit it into my Read More…