Wife is off on a church related retreat, so praying they have a good time and a safe trip. Had a good D-Group last night with my 8th grade boys. Real good discussion on purity in the world around us. Feeling very productive today at work. But it’s just seeming like an incredibly slow day. Read More…
Category: Personal Thoughts
Today’s random thoughts
Paid our first payment on our new house today. Even though it’s more than our last home, it didn’t hurt being able to authorize that payment. It actually felt really good. Now if we can just get TWC to get our cable buried before it gets mowed and chewed up, I’ll be a happy camper.
This week’s Random Thoughts
Fireworks this week were nice. Although we didn’t hit up the big organized displays in town, we got to sit out on the driveway and watch some neighborhood displays. However, I’d like to ask that since the 4th was on Friday, there really isn’t a need to keep firing off the displays on Sunday the Read More…
Random thoughts of the day
1) I truly am my fathers son. Conversation this weekend while passing an old cemetery; Me: Guess how many people are buried in that cemetery. Wife: How many? Me: All of them. Thanks for that groaner, dad. 2) I’m finding it truly sad and pathetic of some of Hollywood’s “celebrities” (and in the case of Read More…
Here’s where you went wrong, Dominion.
Last night was the pilot episode of Syfy (still hate that spelling) channel’s new series, Dominion. It was touted as a story about a war against humans and angels, and I’m not sure what else. I figured I’d give it a shot and see if it was worth it. Oh where to begin. From the Read More…
Small engine repair skill level–less than novice
So, I have once again discovered that I’m not exactly a mechanical genius. Frankly, I’m not a a mechanical adept, let alone journeyman or even a mechanical beginner. Well, okay, so I’m not THAT bad, I’m just also not that good. Starting mowing my yard last night, and got about 3/4 of the way done. Read More…
Totally random thought for today
It is officially 3 weeks from today that Danielle and I will be closing on our new home and selling our current one. The building process has been long, exciting, apprehensive, overwhelming, and a few other adjectives I can’t list at the moment. You can see the home progress at our other blog dndrub.net/building-a-home, where Read More…
He is Risen!!
While walking my pup this morning, I looked to the eastern sky. The sun had not fully risen over the horizon yet, and the few clouds that were in the sky were a beautiful orange-ish red with the light of the coming day. Remembering it was Easter Sunday, and thinking back several decades to the Read More…
There are good people in the world
Yesterday wasn’t the best of morning when it comes to yard work. After the immense amount of rain so quickly after the temps finally got warm, my grass (okay, the 7 types of weeds that make it look like I have grass) sprang up like an untamed tropical jungle. Needless to say, I needed to Read More…
Second random thought of the day
While in the pharmacy getting meds, overheard a lady tell the cashier, “That may be overkill.” My mental response was to just blurt out, “What’s overkill?” This is random because only a select number of people would get this reference. Back in our college days, lots of us played an RPG called Robotech. Our military Read More…