And I managed to do that over a major holiday weekend? Don’t know how, but thanks, God.
Month: November 2011
And the Weatherman says…….
Snow, at least minor flurries, on Tuesday?! Really?
Thanksgiving Day 6
#10) Nice weather. I suspect today is probably the last nice temperature weather day we’re going to get for a few months. It was nice to spend some time outside putting up Christmas decorations. I like what the front looks like. I’ll post some pictures later. #11) 4 day weekends. That extra time off to Read More…
Thanksgiving, Day 5, part 2
#9) Today, like every day, I’m thankful for the sacrifice of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He paid the price my sinful nature deserved, and gave me the gift of salvation, which I’ve gladly received. I’m humbled by is love for me, and for you, dear reader, and will forever praise His name.
Thanksgiving Day 5
#s 5 & 6) Tylenol and the ability to work from home. After getting a headache, it’s nice to be able to log in from home so I can relax in a more comfortable atmosphere while the headache goes away. Like I said, some of my thanks aren’t going to be deep and philosophical. That’s Read More…
Thanksgiving, Day Three
#5) Work. I don’t want this to sound like a slap in the face to those suffering during the current state of the economy. And I’m not about to try and blame anyone or anything for said current state of the economy. But I can honestly say that I am grateful every day that I Read More…
Thanksgiving, Day2
#3) Friends and Family. I have to put this on the list of things I’m thankful for for obvious reasons. Over the years, I’ve developed close friendships with may people. Mostly college friends that are as close to me as family. But also many of my friends from Crossroads. These relationships are so close it’s Read More…
It’s Sunday, November 20th. We here in America (like anyone international is reading this) celebrate Thanksgiving this week. Okay, so most (if not all) of you already knew that. Perhaps a silly way to start today’s blog. But hey, I’m allowed, right? I mean, it is my blog. So I think this week I’m going Read More…
Nothing new to report
Well, I must admit, there’s nothing new to report in my blog today. So why am I even bothering to blog? Just because. My life is life. I work, I eat, I pray, I read, I spend time with my wife. What more can I ask for? Coming soon, some thoughts on the upcoming Read More…