Category: Uncategorized
Recent Random Thoughts
It’s a day before Thanksgiving, and perhaps it should go without saying that I’m thankful for my son and my wife. My son, who makes me smile and melts my heart when I see him. I’ve loved watching him grow and learn, seeing his personality continue to develop, his love of Star Wars, and his Read More…
Current random thoughts
Well, this is a new twist. My son has become addicted to Star Wars Galaxy of Adventure episodes on YouTube. As a result, he’s a huge fan of the Darth Vader: Path to the Darkside and Luke Skywalker: Journey of a Jedi. So much of a fan that he loves to imitate some of the Read More…
Just sayin
Sam’s Club has the best and, IMHO, most useful app I have on my iPhone. Seriously, every store should come consider having a Scan and Go app like Sam’s Club. Just sayin…
Well, today was a good day until I had to walk outside the fence gate. Recently, if you saw it on FB, I found our resident bird’s nest on our fence post. During a wind storm, it appears it got knocked over. Today, while taking the bagged up puppy bombs to the garbage can, I Read More…
Almost . . but not there yet
Today is the day that Danielle and I complete the last necessary task before our adoption of Levi is finalized. After months of paperwork, interviews, waiting, and praying, Levi is finally a part of our home and our hearts. Internally, we know he’s our son. Our hearts bonded with that little guy even before he Read More…
well they should be fun
Just testing out to see if voice to text works on a post. And apparently it does so now I can actually dictate my posts using my phone. Which means once I get my surface back I can try using cortana to dictate blog posts from there.
I’m voting for…….
Sorry, but I’m not telling. I really don’t feel like engaging in a lot of political discourse, debating endlessly the ins and out, rights and wrongs, dos and don’ts of who to vote for. And I’m not writing this to convince anyone to vote for a specific candidate. Honestly, in this election, I can say Read More…
Kill me now
Its the Pina Colada song. In Schnucks. Loudly.
Productive Days
It’s nice that the first day back to the office was a good one. Got plenty of client tasks completed, got several internal support issues addressed, and just working on one more internal project. I’ve started trying to e much more intentional about doing a daily devotional with Danielle. I really liked our devotional Read More…