My heart breaks this morning for the victims of the senseless terrorist murders in Paris today. 12 lives (10 reporters and 2 policemen) gunned down by extremists calling “Alluh Ahkbar” (sp?). I’m not meaning this to be a slam on a religious faith, but honestly, I am having such a hard time understanding why anyone Read More…
Category: Religion
A reposted email
I received this in my email this morning, and thought it was just too good not to share. How many of these simple steps have I NOT taken during my own personal online presence? What Would Jesus Say on Social Media? by Karen Ehman, Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say Read More…
Better days
Yup, life can turn in an instant. If can go from good to bad in a flash, or from bad to good in the same amount of time. Why? Well, I recently posted that I wasn’t having a good day. Frankly, yesterday I was on pins and needles all day. But thanks to a great Read More…
Random Thought
While out of town for a concert this past weekend, Danielle and I had the opportunity to stay at a hotel over night and enjoy a date day in Louisville on Monday. While getting breakfast Monday morning, I noted a table in the eating establishment occupied by; a priest, a rabbi, an imam (I believe Read More…
He is Risen!!
While walking my pup this morning, I looked to the eastern sky. The sun had not fully risen over the horizon yet, and the few clouds that were in the sky were a beautiful orange-ish red with the light of the coming day. Remembering it was Easter Sunday, and thinking back several decades to the Read More…
My motivation got up and went
It’s just one of those days. Doesn’t seem to be much motivation to feel much of anything today. Praying that my God will give me the strength and energy to make it through. Time to lean on Him.
Patience…or the busy-ness of life
I was recently frustrated (when are we not?) with something I know a lot of people have talked about repeatedly over the past decades. I was driving somewhere doing the speed limit like I normally do. I got passed by someone (as is usual since I’m obeying the speed limit), but it was the speed Read More…
So conflicted
Yet once again I feel the terrible conflict of painful sorrow combined with overwhelming joy. Why are we such creatures of duality? I want to grieve at the loss of some wonderful people, and the pain I feel at their loss is nearly overwhelming. Yet I know that I should rejoice greatly because their pain Read More…
Pickup truck theology
Not too long ago, my D-group (disciple group) did a service project for a fellow church member. My group consists of about a dozen 7th grade boys. My co-leader, the ever awesome and my very good brother Micheal, had decided that we were going to do some landscaping for a fellow church member. It was Read More…
A father who is always with us
Yesterday morning, I was flipping channels in the morning and came across DragonBall Z Kai on CW. I’d watched DragonBall Z during it’s run on Cartoon Network, and enjoyed the show. There’s always been one episode that stuck out to me because of the way it was animated and the final single image of the Read More…