Daily Fitbit stats

My fitbit #Fitstats for 7/10/2013: 13,936 steps and 6.5 miles traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/26DBSW

Life in the universe

Our universe was created with some of the most awe-inspiring and beautiful sights we could ever imagine. Stellar nurseries birthing countless stars, nebulas so vast the distance from one end to the other is further than we can truly comprehend, deadly, yet beautiful stellar mass black holes and galaxy centered supermassive black holes, pulsars, quasars, magnetars, white dwarf stars Read More…

Daily Fitbit stats

My fitbit #Fitstats for 7/08/2013: 18,284 steps and 8.5 miles traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/26DBSW

Daily Fitbit stats

My fitbit #Fitstats for 7/05/2013: 11,669 steps and 5.4 miles traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/26DBSW

Pharaoh, Moses, or Aaron

As I was reading my scripture for the day, I was struck with a new insight into the story of the Exodus.  Not sure why, but it just kind of made me think this morning more than usual.  This may be old hash to some, and to others it may be new.  I’ll just get Read More…

Skewed Priorities

Military Fireworks Show Cut – Even Though Company Volunteered To Do It For Free! And yet we send Syrian rebels weapons and promise Africa $9 billion in energy initiative funding? I think there’s a priority issue here.

Daily Fitbit stats

My fitbit #Fitstats for 7/01/2013: 9,103 steps and 4.3 miles traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/26DBSW

An attempt to unplug

Starting tomorrow, my wife and I will be taking our summer vacation.  It feels like it been a long time coming, and even feels more a long time overdue. Danielle has challenged me to unplug this weekend from my social media.  No Facebook, no email, nothing.  I can, of course, post pictures AFTER we get Read More…

Daily Fitbit stats

My fitbit #Fitstats for 6/30/2013: 9,907 steps and 4.6 miles traveled. http://www.fitbit.com/user/26DBSW