And they call this coffee?

So, I’ve been on a long Star Trek: Deep Space Nine kick lately.  I watched the show regularly during it’s initial runs, and going back through this marathon run is pleasant.

The show had a lot of good things in it, and one of them was the introduction of a drink called raktajino.  A Kilngon coffee, it is supposedly a fairly strong and thick coffee.  I never really felt like trying it when the show was in it’s original run, but with my current marathon viewing and addiction to coffee, I thought I’d see what others had done to create a real raktajino.

Given the universe of Star Trek fans that exists, it was a good bet that a recipe had been made.  I mean, the actors had to drink SOMETHINK out of those mugs.  Okay, it might have just been water, but who knows?

So here’s the recipes I found:


Raktajino: Klah Version:

2 Tbs Sweet ground chocolate
1/2 cup dark coco
3/8 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Dark Instant Coffee Crystals Ground into powder
Pinch of nutmeg

Raktajino: House of Kasara blend:

1 1/2 cup powdered non-dairy creamer
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
6 Tbs. instant coffee
1/2 tsp ground allspice
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Note: lightweight Terran friends may prefer a mix made with 3 tablespoons of instant coffee.
Makes approximately 14 servings.

• For both versions mix all ingredients together, and store in airtight container.
To serve, use 3 teaspoons to 3/4 cup not-quite-boiling water. When served, the drink should be thick, much like hot cocoa

Okay, so, I tried the House of Kasara blend.  While this drink tastes good, I’m bummed because it’s basically hot chocolate.  It’s not as thick as I was imagining, although it is much thicker than coffee.  My disappointment comes from the fact that it’s not got as much coffee flavor and kick as I was hoping.

If your familiar with the Star Trek universe, Klingon’s are fierce warriors, who indulge in something called blood wine.  And they drink a weak coffee like raktajino?  I think the recipe above is a bit off.  I’m going to make some serious modifications to it (1/2 cup coffee, 6 Tbs cocoa?).  I want a morning coffee to wake me up, with a hint of chocolate and other flavors, not the other way around.

So the search will continue…even if it is a 5 year voyage.  Smile