I have no random thoughts to share today.
Author: Drew
Another good listen
Weekend fun, again
Good weekend
Happy birthday to my wonderful lovely wife Danielle today. Happy anniversary tomorrow. And may everyone have a wonderfully good Labor Day weekend.
Why does a good cup of hot caf taste so good first thing in the morning? And why does my dog have to hurk up her water too?
Here’s an interesting listen
Thanks, Thoughty2 for this great video
Bubble time
Good day
Feel rather accomplished for it having been such an early morning. For a family walk in, playtime for Levi at the playground, breakfast, rehung a mirror and some wall art in the bathroom, and got his second car seat out back in my car. Okay, I’m beat.
This is saddening
There are NINE planets!!!
Personal pet peeve. I still consider Pluto an actual planet not a dwarf planet. Even if the IAU definition doesn’t apply, give Pluto planetary status due to its historical context. Or worst case call it an honorary planet.