Yesterday’s quote of the day:
Adult: Spell TV
5 year old: You’ve got me stumped.
So, this morning I had to wash dishes. This isn’t anything new, especially for a Saturday morning. But for some reason this morning, I had a very vivid memory of the day I realized that I wanted to marry Danielle.
For those who don’t know the story, I’ll share with you that wonderful memory.
There it is. That was the morning. I had taken leave from my workplace to spend time with my father towards the final days of his life with us. Father’s Day of 2010 I offered my family to take that time whenever it was decided that dad needed someone in the house full time with him. The first Wednesday of September that year I remember my sister calling in tears telling me she took dad to the hospice center.
Without hesitation, I told her I would see her in 4 hours, closed my laptop at the office, packed my gear and left without nearly a word except to tell my bosses I had to leave right then. I drove home while calling Dani and Winston to tell them I was leaving, packed two bags, hopped in the car and got to Cincy in record time.
Only then did I realize I had left one of my two bags in Evansville. I called Dani to let her know, and she said she’d bring it to me the next day. Little did I know she had decided to pack a lot of clothing of her own, and came to join me for the duration.
One particular morning, I had spent the night on the couch while dad was in his hospice bed across the living room. Danielle was in the guest bedroom sleeping. I had been up for a little bit, already had at least one cup of morning caf, and was just sitting there when Danielle came out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen. I watched her and thought, “Man I love her.”
After nearly 10 months or so of dating, I had finally realized that yes, I did love Danielle. It hit me like a brick, and I did a double take of her standing in the kitchen getting a glass of water.
That’s the memory I was hit with this morning for no obvious reason. Am I complaining? No way! It’s a great memory for me. I am so happy that I get to spend my life with this wonderful woman who put her life on hold for me. She is always there for me, helps me, comforts me, makes me happy. I’m not always the best husband, but she’s always been the best wife I could have ever asked for.
And that’s my Random Thought from a Random mind for today.
Danielle, I know you’re reading this, so I just want to say kar’taylir darasuum, cyar’ika.