So, I’m trying to get my blogging software to post directly to some of my pages. Only it doesn’t seem to like that idea. Nuts. Perhaps I need a different software.
Month: January 2012
Movin in the right direction
That reads as 191.6 Just working on keeping it heading in that direction.
Is our electoral system broken?
I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine on the political discussions, debates, hulabaloo and whatnot going on currently. It got me to thinking about something. I really believe our electoral system is broken. Fatally, if I may say. Now, I still believe we have the best form of government available to mankind, Read More…
Get your beef on
This mornings disturbing imagery. Photo captions are welcome.
Can you spot the oddity???
Tell me if you see what’s wrong
Need a little help
Dear Lord, I don’t know why, but today I feel stressed and short of patience. It doesn’t make sense, since you gave me a good night of rest, and I started my day in your Word and prayer. Please give me patience and calmness of mind today, and let my “fuse” grow to unimaginable proportions, Read More…