2020 – the year of the dumpster-fire

I’ve decided to take a break from the majority of social media. As of this morning, I logged out of my Twitter and Facebook accounts on all my devices at home and work.

I’ve come to determine that I just can’t society right now. There’s too much stuff going on that I’m starting to get frustrated, annoyed, scared, and depressed. I don’t want those feelings and emotions in my life right now.

It may seem like I’m trying to blind myself to society or current events. And you’d be right, I am. Not because I want to stick my head in the sand and pretend things are okay. I know they aren’t. I am personally considering my interaction with my son. I want to be calm and collected and gentle when dealing with him. I don’t want him seeing me stressed and angry and fearful of what’s outside the walls of our house.

So what I find interesting today is how addicted I seem to have been to news and social media. I haven’t opened a single news site today, and not gotten into Twitter/Facebook today. But during my free moments in between tasks with work, I keep finding my default action to be wanting to open one of those apps or webpages and browsing around. I keep having to stop myself from that. Feels weird. Hopefully it’ll start to feel more natural.

Anyway, that’s my thought for now.